Get cost-effective and efficient cloud web hosting with us. High-quality and reliable website services such as Domain Names, Cloud and cPanel web hosting, Email Hosting and SSL Certificates — without the hassle, headaches and hardware.

Hosted across multiple servers with cloud dynamic traffic management. Easy-to-manage and affordable. It’s the next generation of Web Hosting.


Apache 2.xCGI-BINPerl 5.8Hotlink Protection
PHP 5Zend 3.1GD2Index/Deny Manager
MySQL 5.0ionCube 3.1ImageMagick 6 


EximSMTP Relay (Auth)Forwarders/Aliases
POP3WebmailAuto Responders
IMAPCatch-all AccountMailing Lists

Data Security:

mod_securityingress and egress firewallsPHPsuexec

What make us stand out?

  • Instant Access
  • Local Support
  • Australian Servers
  • Add-on Services
  • Anytime Upscale
  • Self-serve Portal
  • One-Click Applications