Autonomic & Utility Computing

Green – carbon footprints, Shield – unplanned downtime, Continuity – Disasters

In a recent survey by VMware and Microsoft,Virtualisation is not just for the Fortune 500 anymore. SMBs are rapidly adopting virtualisation and achieving significant benefits in a number of areas. At Saiinfinity, we are committed towards helping small and medium businesses (SMBs) to understand the benefits their peers are achieving with virtualisation.

The usual goal of Virtualisation is to centralize administrative tasks while improving scalability and workloads. Virtualisation gives you wings to do more of your IT investment and break free from the conventional model of “One App to One Server” approach.

In addition to being more responsive, IT departments in companies that use virtualisation are viewed as being more effective than those that don’t: almost three in four (71%) of SMBs that use virtualisation rate their IT departments as being highly effective, while less than half (45%) who don’t use virtualisation feel their IT departments are highly effective. [VMware SMB Survey]

Why Adopt Virtualisation?

Let yourself decides what “Virtualisation” can achieve for you!

  • Greatest cost savings
  • Increase Asset Utilization
  • Enable High availability
  • Backup and data protection
  • Business continuity preparedness
  • Optimized Performance
  • Reduce Management & Overheads
  • Lower TCO
  • Ability to respond to changing business needs
  • Efficiently Plan Maintenance
  • Unmatched Remote Server Monitoring
  • Increase/Decrease Server Resources on the Fly and much more…..

“It Won’t Happen to Me”
No matter how big or small your ICT environment is, your number one priority will always be to keep servers running.

Saiinfinity Approach to Virtualisation

  • Asses: Saiinfinity Virtualisation engineers asses and evaluate which of your workloads are suitable for virtualisation enabling you to take advantage of the transformative benefits of Virtualisation
  • Analyses and Plan: Saiinfinity Virtualisation engineers, then conduct and ROI analysis using various tool to give you better understanding of financial analysis
  • Free Tools to get started: Microsoft Hyper-V and VMWare ESXi are the industry default options to get started with virtualisation platform. Use Free Hypervisors to tap advanced features such as live VM and storage migration, VM replication and even network virtualisation
  • Virtualise: Start slowly by virtualising smaller application workloads, such as file, print and web application servers, to become comfortable with virtualisation before tackling more critical line of business apps and database servers

Companies new to or considering virtualisation should be aware of low-cost and easy solutions that will help them get started. For example, VMware and Microsoft offers a free hypervisor for virtualising your servers. When you are ready to step into low-cost complete solutions, the vendors provide starters editions to add central management and business continuity features.

What to do next?
 Ready to Choose your Virtualisation Platform?

For more information, please give our technical team an obligation free call at 0390754967