Server Virtualisation is the masking of server resources i.e. number and identity of physical servers, operating system and processors from server users. This is done by using a software application to divide one physical server into multiple isolated virtual environments which are known as guests, containers or emulations.

Server virtualisation can be approached in three broad distinction i.e. virtual machine model, paravirtual machine model and virtualisation at the operating system layer. Virtual machines are based on the guests/host paradigm. Each guest runs on a virtual imitation of hardware layer which allows administrator to create guests who use different operating systems. A guest has no knowledge of the host’s operating system because of not knowing what it’s running on real hardware and no computing resources required. Paravirtual machine models are also based on the host/ guest paradigm and they use a virtual machine monitor too. In paravirtual, the virtual machine actually modifies the guest operating system’s code so as to be able to utilize privileged systems calls sparingly. Paravirtual machines share capability of running multiple operating systems like UML and Xen.

Virtualisation at Operating system’s level works a little differently whereby it does not depend on host/guest paradigm. In OS, the host runs a single kennel as its core and exports operating system’s functionality to each of the guests.

Benefits of Server & Storage Visualisation

  • Cutting down number of servers required- A server runs at 25% of its capacity, calling for buying additional servers. Instead of buying the extra servers, the single server can be split bringing the advantage of cost reduction on servers.
  • Having fewer servers means there will be salvage of space and due to this fact the same space can be utilized by another productive use.
  • Air conditioning costs for server room will not go up since the heat produced by a single server cannot be compared to that of multiple physical servers.
  • Maintenance of a single server will be manageable and of low cost. The cost may go down as well since the number of IT staff will be reduced in such cases. If the number of IT staff remains the same, they will be spending their time on other productive IT issues other than just administration and maintenance of the servers.
  • More flexibility-Splitting one server will allow utilization of two operating systems without having to incur additional costs on resources.
  • Splitting the server allow the ability to upgrade applications with less risk.
  • If an upgrade to one part of the split server goes unsuccessful, the other part of the system will continue running as normal minimizing data loss and time spend to recover data.

Server & Storage Virtualisation at Saiinfinity

Saiinfinity will first let you understand the virtualisation in details including its advantages involved.

Next is to analyze your company’s needs –although the server virtualisation has great advantages, migration is noted to be destructive. Saiinfinity will do analysis of the existing computing environment in order to have a smooth transition.

Next will be having a clear understanding of which services should be virtualised. At times cramming everything on a single server may end up being suicidal. See also if this project will help you break even.

What to do next?For more information, please give our technical team an obligation free call at 0390754967