The biggest challenge for an organisation hosting in-house enterprise messaging infrastructure is the management of emails. Emails tends to grow at very fast pace, as a consequence Infrastructure resources and planning takes a hit. Messaging Infrastructure is primarily used for exchange of email messages, as the size of these messages grows, vital messaging operation like indexing, searching and retrieving utilizes and saturates resources available on systems. This put enormous pressure for IT Department to manage the resources and regular maintenance of the infrastructure as:

  • Backup windows start growing bigger
  • Regular offline data stores defragmentation
  • Slower server response
  • Vital operation and services lagging
  • Legal regulatory compliance issues
  • Scattered PST files

and not to mention the frustration at user end.

Email archiving put forwards a solution which caters to end all the management headaches associated with messaging infrastructure.

Saiinfinity help your organisation to address the challenges of email storage management, their legal discovery and compliance. The archiving is achieved on automated roles tailored according to organisations needs.

Email Archiving solutions gives user the capability to seamless access the email content and attachment with any preferred method they like. Archived emails are available, integrated with Outlook Clients or Web Access Interface. Being so transparent and integrated with messaging infrastructure, the user never experience, they are missing on something.

How Saiinfinity Delivers ?

Saiinfinity has partnered with Industry leaders in Email Archiving, Symantec and GFI. Rest assured after the tailored implementation either on physical appliance or virtualized the end user will experience:

  • Scalable email-archiving solution
  • Automated Archiving capabilities
  • Integration with Outlook Standalone Client or Web interface
  • Automated e-Discovery and Compliance processes
  • Improves Infrastructure performance and end-user productivity
  • Database Indexing, faster searches and retrieving of emails

For more information, please give our technical team an obligation free call at 0390754967